DSP-10 File Formats

And some information on interpreting the file data...

The DSP-10 provides for saving of various data to files. This may be useful for later data analysis, for recording an important event, or for diagnosing a problem. This section collects the various formats together for reference. Descriptions of the data items are included, but additional descriptive material may sometimes be available in the source code.

All DSP-10 output files are straight ASCII text. The entries are multiple "data records," each consisting of a single line, terminated by a carriage return and a line feed. In the file descriptions, the carriage return and line feed are referred to as <CR> and <LF> where the angled brackets indicate that these are individual bytes, and not the character strings, "CR" and "LF". No end of file mark is used. In almost every case, data items within a record are separated by spaces, usually one.  These files can be opened in programs, such as Excel, by specifying "Delimited" with "Spaces" as delimiters.

The following formats are covered here:
Full Spectral Data (ALT-F)
LTI Spectral Data
EME-2 Spectral Data
Clock Diagnostic Data File

Screen saves, in GIF  format, are covered separately.

Format info Revised 21 Aug 2006

Full Spectral Data - This data file is controlled by the ALT-F (or -f) key command. The file name is always UHFA_1.DAT and the path is specified by the configuration variable, fdata_path, unless the path specifies a floppy drive (A: or B:). If no path is specified, or the path is to a floppy drive, the file will be in the same directory as UHFA.EXE. This file contains the entire waterfall data in raw form, and so becomes large very quickly.

The powers are normally treated as relative values, in the sense that the noise can be determined from frequencies without signals, and the signal levels then deduced by there increase in level over the noise.

The format differs between EME-2 and all other modes, and are covered separately here. For all modes except EME-2, the format consists of  alternating HA and HB data records, with HA first, as follows:
  HA         the record type

  year as 2006

  month 1 to 12

  day 1 to 31

  hour 0 to 23, UTC

  minute 0 to 59

  second 0 to 59


  HB the record type



 noncohave SpecAve setting on screen

  do_window 0=None 1=Tukey25, 2=Hamming, 3=BH92



  0 0 0 16 future data items




* mode+bits is a single number representing the current mode as 4* mode+16*bits_8_16.  The mode is 0 to 7 and the bits_ 8_16 is either 0 or 1. This data item was historically useful, but with growth in number of modes, has become ambiguous. Do not use and it will be replaced by one of the "future data items," eventually.

** pwrdat consists of the the lowest frequency 256 spectral powers. That is, the left half of the screen for modes like USB, and all of the screen for LTI. The powers are not in dB, but are in x.xxxxEyyy "scientific format," where x.xxxx is a number from 1 to 10 and yyy is a power of 10 as a multiplier. These powers are arranged as 32 lines of 8 each, with a CR and LF at the end of each line. The powers are the integrated levels for each spectral bin taken over the time set by noncohave (SpecAve on the screen).

LTI Spectral Data -  This file type can be in operation at the same time as the Full Spectral  Data type, listed above .

This data file is available only in LTI mode, with Beacon Overlay in place. Writing is controlled by the "Save LT Data to Disk" check box in the SCRL-F2 Beacon dialog box. The file name is ULTmdd_y.DAT. The leading "U" can be changed by the configuration file variable file_ident. The value for m is in hexadecimal, with 1 for January, 9 for September, A for October and C for December.  The day, dd is 0 to 31 and the year, y, is the last digit of the year.  The path is specified by the configuration variable, fdata_path. If no path is specified, the file will be in the same directory as UHFA.EXE.

The data being saved corresponds to the "yellow trace" in LTI. This is affected by the "Clear LT Data after Save" check box in the SCRL-F2 Beacon Dialog box. If this box is not checked, the averaging continues until manually cleared (CTRL-W). The "count" value, below, and the averaging of the data will continue to reflect this setting. The powers are expressed in dB, and normally are treated as relative values, in the sense that the noise can be determined from frequencies without signals, and the signal levels then deduced by their increase in level over the noise.

The limits on the .DAT files are:  5760 lines (every 15 seconds, for 24 hours)  241 bins (+/-120 plus the center bin) This bin limitation corresponds to a DSP-10 configuration file entry:

  lt_b_save_bins 120

the 241 bin limit  is:
565   Hz for a SpecAnl width of 1200  Hz. 
1130 Hz for a SpecAnl width of 2400 Hz
2259 Hz for a SpecAnl width of 4800 Hz

The record type is HL, entries are separated by a space and records end with CR LF. A typical record is:
HL 2006 7 19 0035 0 2 0 300 107 355 10368.032000 290  ***DATA*** CR LF
HL                    the record type

year as 2006 

month                 1 to 12 

day                   1 to 31 

hour minute           0 to 2359, UTC Time

second                0 to 59 Seconds

fft_bw *              DFT noise bandwidth, Hz SpecWidth,  0 to 2

do_window**           window type, 0 to 3

b_receive_sec         Beacon receive time in seconds

lt_i3                 Index Number of saved center bin

count                 Number of DFT results averaged and included in this record

freq                  Center frequency of data, in Hz, including transverters Freq

noise_temp            Configuration file variable, called eme2_te, Kelvins Te

Data  ***


 *  1200 = 0, 2400 = 1, 4800 = 2
** None = 0,  Tukey25 = 1, Hamming = 2, BH92 Window = 3
***  The data entries include an equal number of bins (lt_b_save), above and below the center frequency bin (lt_i3) so there are always an ODD number of entries. They start from lowest frequency and go to highest.

Two experimental programs are available for interpreting the LTI data from a DAT file. Called ULT.EXE and ULTS.EXE, they are available to those with an active need. They lack the documentation for general use. Contact W7PUA.

SUM FILE - This format corresponds to the output of the processing program ULT.EXE.  The LTI DAT file, described above, is analyzed record-by-record to extract various parameters from the data.  Several parameters, such as the average noise power is computed in ULT for the entire LTI frequency range covered by the DAT file.  Other parameters, such as peak signal level, is computed for a variable number of freuency bands, within the total range.  The number of bands ranges from 1 to 5, under the users control.  The definitions of the output quantities is shown below.

The SUM file definition changed with the addition of multiple band capability to ULT.EXE; the definitions here are for ULT.EXE, version 1.93 or later.

The ULTmdd_y.DAT file has a line for each data save and it contains the dB levels (relative) for all the bins being saved (as selected in the ALT-B box).  For each line in the ULTmdd_y.DAT file, a line is created in the .SUM (summary) file.  The .SUM file file inherits the name from the ULTmdd_y.DAT file and will have the .SUM suffix. The data items in a .SUM file line are in ASCII and separated by spaces (20H). They are are as follows:

cur_rec   integer  The current record number. Records may be missing.

hhmm      integer  The time of the data in hour and minute format, UT.

sec       integer  The seconds into the minute

year integer e.g., 2006

mdhms float month, day, hour, minute and second in unit of days*

pts       integer  Number of FFT powers averaged to produce .DAT line

freq      float    Frequency in MHz, to the Hz

resbw     float    Spacing between bins in Hz

noisebw   float    Noise bandwidth of bins (includes window effects)

avenoise  float    The dB average of the 10 noise measurement bins**

basenoise float    Receiver noise per DFT bin in dBm

n_bands integer The number of bands in use, 1 to 5

The following items will be repeated (with different numbers)
for the n_bands being used

band_nm   string   Name of band being analyzed

band_low ineger Lowest bin in the band***

band_high integer Highest bin in the band

peakbin   integer  Bin where the signal+noise was the strongest

peakdb    float    dB level (DAT file units) at peak

pkfreq    float    Frequency of peak, Hz

minbin    integer  Bin where the signal+noise was the weakest

mindb     float    dB level at minimum

minfreq   float    Frequency of minimum, Hz

limlow    integer  Lowest bin where signal is over noise

limhigh   integer  Highest bin where signal is over noise

secpkbin  integer  Second highest peak bin number

secpkdb   float    Second highest peak dB level

secpkfr   float    Second highest peak frequency Hz

seclimlow integer  Lowest bin where 2nd highest signal is over noise

seclimhi  integer  Highest bin where 2nd highest signal is over noise

maxsn     float    S/N of peakdb, in dB

cgfreq    float    Power weighted center frequency (CG), Hz

totpwr    float    Total power in limlow to limhigh band, dBm

pkpwr     float    Power in peakbin, dBm

3dbbw     float    3 dB bandwidth of peak signal, Hz

6dbbw     float    6 dB bandwidth of peak signal, Hz

10dbbw    float    10 dB bandwidth of peak signal, Hz


* Often it is desireable to plot data according to some linear time scale. The quantity mdhms makes this easy as it combines the oddball-based time units into the day of the year and a fraction of a day.   Thus each day is 0 to 1 and noon UTC of January 3 would  have mdhms=2.5000 as it is halfway to between the 2nd and 3rd days of the year.  As another example, February 2nd at 1:12 and 30 seconds AM UTC would be mdhms=31+1+(1/24)+(12/1440)+(30/86400) or 32.0503472.

** This noise is in relative units, with the same reference as the data in the DAT file.

*** Bands are specified in terms of frequencies in ULT. To be consistent with SUM file outputs, they are specified here in terms of DFT bins. To convert to the equivalent bin center frequency, multiply the bin number by resbw.

Comments on SUM Files - maxsn is a good measure of signal strength.  If it is over about 8 dB, it is very likely a signal, not noise. One can key on this to ignore noise.

cgfreq is probably the best measure of the "average" Doppler. Either 6dbbw or 10dbbw might be a measure of the total Doppler shift during the data period.

By taking short data periods, like 15 , or 30 seconds, the Doppler rate can be approximated.

An example line (record) of a SUM file that uses 2-bands (this is all on a single line in the file, and broken here for readability):
1 0000 00 2006 199.0000000 466 10368.032200 9.37500 9.37500 54.50 -167.14 2

10_GHz 64 107 97 54.64 909.4 77 54.31 721.9 39 41 94 54.57 881.2 94 94 -14.97 909.0 0.04

 -182.12 5.5 10.9 44.1

24_GHz 107 151 142 56.04 1331.2 132 54.25 1237.5 77 93 151 54.59 1415.6 151 94 -3.72

 1333.3 3.49 -170.87 80.9 113.1 132.0 <CR><LF>

SM1 FILE - An additional output from ULT.EXE is the SM1 file. This is sometimes useful for studying signal levels and bandwidths, but it is restricted in content (a subset of the SUM file):

yrtime    float    Decimal date and time of data, 0 to 365 (or 366)

-------- And as in SUM, the following are repeated n_bands times ----------

totpwr    float    Total power in limlow to limhigh band, dBm

cgfreq    float    Power weighted center frequency, Hz.

6dbbw     float   6 dB bandwidth of the peak signal.


An example of a line (record) from a SM1 file:
1 199.0000 -181.64 909.0 10.9 -161.71 1333.3 113.1 

EME-2 Spectral Data -
As for the Full Spectral Data, this data file is controlled by the ALT-F (or -f) key command. The file name is always UHFA_1.DAT and the path is specified by the configuration variable, fdata_path, unless the path specifies a floppy drive (A: or B:). If no path is specified, or the path is to a floppy drive, the file will be in the same directory as UHFA.EXE.

The powers are normally treated as relative values, in the sense that the noise can be determined from frequencies without signals, and the signal levels then deduced by there increase in level over the noise.

The format consists of  alternating HA and HE data records, with HA first, as follows:
  HA         the record type

  year as 2006

  month 1 to 12

  day 1 to 31

  hour, min 0 to 2359, UTC

  second 0 to 59


  HE   the record type

rfgain    rf gain, 0 is 100, 1 is 94, etc.

  do_window  window type 0=None 1=Tukey25, 2=Hamming, 3=BH92

  fft_bw 0=1200 Hz, 1=2400, 2=4800

  paveave Running ave of ave power* p.ppppppEpp

  pave bin 30 to 255 ave power in q.qqqqqqEqq format

  0 0       For future use

  pd16 Spectral data** x.xxxxEyyy


*pave is the average power of the received data., over a relatively large bandwidth of DFT bins 30 to 255. This is source of the  dB number in the bottom line, right corner for most lines. paveave is a running average of the pave values, where the decay value is 0.95. These items can be used to exclude noise bursts by comparing the two and omitting  data when pave exceeds paveave by some ratio. This is done in the EME-2 operation, and the ratio is set in the ALT-B box as "NB Ratio."

** pd16 consists 21 data points of spectral powers, corresponding to the 10 DFT bins below the center frequency, the center frequency, and 10 points above.  The powers are not in dB, but are in x.xxxxxxEyyy "scientific format," where x.xxxx is a number from 1 to 10 and yyy is a power of 10 as a multiplier. The powers are the integrated levels for each 2-second reception period.

Clock Logging File - UTIME.DAT - Time File UTIME.DAT is for diagnostic trouble shooting. It records to a file, in the same directory as UHFA.EXE, a summary of operations such as the 1 minute updates, or GPS sets. Each record is a line of ASCII data, with space separated entries as follows (some entries are zero if no GPS is used):
  TM  starts all lines

  record type: 0=minute updates, 2=GPS set, 4=PC clock correction







  hundredths of a second

  seconds since 1 Jan 1970

  dt clock error

  seconds since 1970 for last midnight GMT


  total millisec delay for last GPS set

  gps data valid (LSB)

  number of satellites at last GPS set

  s/n of top 3 satellites at last GPS set

  gps receiver status (0 if not UT+)

  gps settings (see below)

  text record type and settings again in Hex


If the record type is 2 (GPS time set), the base set, shown above, is followed by

  sec.hund of PC clock when GPS time came from GGA message

  sec.hund at DCD 1PPS pulse

  sec.hund after GPS set to sec.00 PC

  milliseconds of delay from gps_msdelay

  milliseconds before first DCD transition (can be 0)

  milliseconds between DCD 1PPS transitions

If the record type is 4 (PC clock update), the base set is followed by

seconds before update of PC clock

hundredths of a second before update of PC clock

---- End of record description ----

GPS Settings saved in the file are best seen by converting to binary or hex, as they are arranged by bits. They are also in hex at the end of the entry above called "text record type." The bits show several variables from the configuration file:

Bits 0, 1, 2     gps_type

Bits 3, 4, 5, 6 gps_tdelay

bit 7 gps_dcd_pol

bits 8, 9 gps_sw_gps

bits 10, 11 gps_sw_dsp10

For instance, KD7TS, using a Sandpiper GPS, has 1554, which in binary is 01 10 0 0010 010 or

gps_type=010     (NMEA GPS)

gps _tdelay=0010 (2 sec)

gps_dcd_pol=0 (logic 0 to 1)

gps_sw_gps =10 (2)

gps_sw_dsp10=01 (1)

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