These sections are part of the User's Manual, Chapter 4 - DSP-10 Software Setup

DIAGNOSTICS - The lower left of the front panel has a 4 line area showing date, time, errors and the number of bytes queued in the serial data buffer. The errors appear in red for about 15 seconds, with possibly a beep. The errors numbers are followed by a 6-character summary. This is obviously very cryptic, and a more detailed error/warning list is available .

Unless diagnostics mode 0 (cursor marks) is active, as the result of "Scrl F3" command, the lower-left corner displays the number of queued serial bytes form the DSP to the PC. If this number exceeds 8192, data from the DSP will be omitted. This means your display update is falling behind. The solution is to increase the spectral averaging (Alt F4). Minimum spectral averaging is 6 and most 386/486 computers will keep up with this. In an extremely slow case, a 20 MHz 386 laptop, and it requires raising the spectral averaging to 18 to keep up (when using the spectral waterfall,) although it will run for several minutes before getting into buffer overload at 6. Error 1 is a normal consequence of buffer overflow, but the data is ignored so that the display is not corrupted.

STARTUP DETAIL - The program starts with the screen in the ordinary DOS text style. After various loading operations are complete and the DSP has been setup, the screen style is set to VGA 16 color 480x640 graphics. This normally happens quickly with no operator action. If there are any problems in getting your computer through these stages, it is possible to make diagnostic information available. In the UHFA.CFG Configuration file , change the variable startup_detail to a value 1 (0 is normal). This will cause various parameters and diagnostic hints to be printed on the screen. You will need to hit a few "Enter" keys to proceed through the startup, as well.

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